Entrevista Exclusiva: Acid Black Cherry
13:00Entrevista por: Laura Firmiano e Natália da Trindade
Tradução Japonês: Elisa Celino
Revisão Inglês -> Português: Patricia Raiz
Supervisão: Ingrid Natalie Leão
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Foto: Divulgação |
Muitos de nossos leitores reclamam que nos últimos anos não surgiu nenhuma banda de rock realmente boa, mas talvez expandir os horizontes seja uma resposta, literalmente.
Apenas cinco anos se passaram desde o lançamento de seu primeiro single, mas o Acid Black Cherry tem muito a oferecer. Se você procura um rock de qualidade, com solos de guitarra incríveis, um vocal diferenciado e letras muito interessantes, essa é nossa recomendação!
Acid Black Cherry é o projeto solo de yasu, que assina todas as canções e letras do ABC, como é habitualmente chamado. A produção das músicas é impecável e os artistas escolhidos para as gravações são de extrema qualidade, destaque para o baixista SHUSE (La'cryma Christi) e os guitarristas HIRO (La’cryma Christi), YUKI (DUSTAR-3), AKIHIDE (BREAKERZ) e o baterista 淳士 [Junji] (ex-SIAM SHADE).
A refinada inclusão de elementos de diversos estilos musicais (como o jazz, por exemplo) gera uma sonoridade bastante excitante, e essa é uma palavra muito adequada quando pensamos nas letras sensuais nas canções do ABC.
O Acid Black Cherry lançou neste ano seu terceiro álbum, “2012”. Os lançamentos anteriores são os álbuns “Black List” (2008) e “Q.E.D.” (2010). Há ainda os álbuns covers “Recreation” (2008) e “Recreation 2” (2011), em que antigos sucessos da música pop japonesa ganham uma nova roupagem.
Apesar do pouco tempo de existência, o Acid Black Cherry prima por sua variedade e ousadia, notadas em ambas letra e melodia, tudo isso imerso em ótimas composições.
Leia a nossa entrevista com yasu e conheça o atraente som do ABC.
FRS - yasu lançou o projeto solo, Acid Black Cherry.
Você até mesmo fez shows secretos, revivendo a experiência de um músico iniciante. Quais eram os seus objetivos e planos quando iniciou o projeto solo?
ABC: Em um lugar onde ninguém me conhece, com apenas músicas e performances que ninguém tinha ouvido antes, quantas dessas pessoas sentadas eu posso fazer com que se levantem? Acredito que essa era a vitalidade dos meus dias como iniciante. Como eu senti que não deveria esquecer esse tipo de atitude quando se trata de fazer solo, comecei meu projeto com shows assim. O que pensei quando comecei o Acid Black Cherry era fazer algo que não me exaurisse, porque eu estava pensando: “E se eu pudesse fazer algo assim? O que posso fazer sem me forçar demais? Acho que o erotismo.” Foi a resposta que encontrei. Para mim, como erotismo é algo que não exige muito esforço, uso esse tema no meu trabalho.
É difícil dizer meus objetivos e planos em poucas palavras, mas me faria feliz saber que há alguém que se sentirá melhor ao ouvir a música do Acid Black Cherry.
FRS - Em algumas entrevistas ao longo da carreira, você disse que foi aconselhado por um artista que você respeita, HYDE (das bandas L’Arc~en~Ciel e VAMPS), sobre as vantagens de usar um nome diferente para o seu trabalho solo, então o nome Acid Black Cherry surgiu. Por que escolheu este nome?
ABC: Não é que não haja um sentido próprio em Acid Black Cherry, mas de algum modo foi porque eu queria que as iniciais fossem “A.B.C”. No Japão se usa as letras “A.B.C” para representar os estágios de uma relação romântica, que também combina com o tema de “erotismo” do Acid Black Cherry.
Além disso, a ideia de usar meu próprio nome “yasu” como nome para meu projeto solo não soava bem.
FRS - Uma das vantagens de um projeto solo é trabalhar com diversos músicos e essa experiência é claramente utilizada na música do ABC. Como você escolhe os músicos que trabalham com o Acid Black Cherry?
ABC: Por exemplo, da mesma forma que se compõe uma música e pensa-se: “eu quero que ela seja cantada por este cantor”, eu penso que quero esse músico tocando esses riffs que escrevi e peço para a pessoa tocá-los.
FRS - Na sua música, você costuma tratar de assuntos relacionados à sexualidade e escreve a partir da visão da mulher, muitas vezes de maneira densa, porém refinada. A música Black Cherry foi até mesmo eleita a música mais sexy em uma enquete pelo JOYSOUND KARAOKE. Por que você escolheu esse tema em particular nas suas letras?
ABC: É algo que nasceu do conceito fundamental do Acid Black Cherry.
Com relação a escrever letras a partir de uma perspectiva feminina, acho que é porque não soa tão indecente pela visão ou voz feminina. Quando se diz coisas indecentes a partir da perspectiva masculina, ao invés de ser erótico soa como um pervertido. Não é nem um pouco legal dizer “eu vou gozar dentro”, certo? (rs)
FRS - O ABC tem três álbuns, em cada um deles há um tema: os sete pecados capitais em “Black List”, se os humanos podem julgar uns aos outros em “Q.E.D” e seu trabalho mais recente, “2012”, tem o tema “viver”. Por que estabelecer um tema para cada álbum? Em qual momento durante o processo de criação você concebe este tema?
ABC: A música é obviamente o eixo fundamental, mas tendo comprado o CD, acho que seria ótimo se as pessoas pudessem aproveitá-lo enquanto leem as letras e a história conceitual incluída no encarte. Com relação a história conceitual, é sempre quando eu termino o álbum em que estou trabalhando no momento que, de alguma forma, tenho a ideia para o conceito da próxima história. Eu estava, de forma constante, concretizando essas ideias.
FRS - O encarte é um importante aspecto quando se cria um álbum. É muito agradável acompanhar a história e as ilustrações inclusas no encarte do “2012” enquanto se escuta as faixas. Por favor, diga-nos a razão para o encarte deste álbum e as dificuldades que você teve durante a produção.
ABC: Acho ótimo ter formas de desfrutar um CD que você não pode apreciar a menos que o tenha em mãos.
É verdade que o principal objetivo é simplesmente curtir o som, já que é um álbum de música afinal de contas; mas o significado que a música carrega e o lado oculto que levou à sua criação são possíveis de encontrar no encarte.
Atualmente estamos na era digital, não é? Embora ache que isso é muito bom e tudo mais, pessoalmente sempre me diverti na forma analógica. Ao segurar o pacote em minhas mãos sinto-me feliz de ter comprado o CD. Já que fica em suas mãos como um objeto, o som é um presente, mas acredito que os sentimentos do criador também podem ser obtidos através de algo além da música.
Precisamente porque estamos na era do download, eu não quero esquecer o prazer de olhar o encarte depois de comprar um CD. É conveniente fazer o download e eu acho que é bom. Mas, para as pessoas que compraram meu CD nesta era, criei uma história conceitual de modo que elas ficarão felizes por o terem comprado, e isso é muito bom.
FRS - Todos seus singles tem uma canção cover como b-side, e você também os lançou compilados em álbuns cover chamados “Recreation”. Por que você canta covers?
ABC: Acredito que a canção é algo que continua a viver enquanto for cantada pelas pessoas. Por isso, acho que seria ótimo se eu também puder continuar cantando muitas músicas famosas de agora em diante. Com certeza há diversas músicas que muitos jovens de hoje não conhecem, mas se suas mães e pais as ouvirem e pensarem "que nostálgico", então talvez a família junta possa ouvir as músicas. Talvez as pessoas que não conheciam a música antes sejam capazes de experimentá-la de uma forma nova.
FRS - Sobre os covers, como é trabalhar com uma música que não é de sua autoria?
ABC: Especialmente agora que eu estou fazendo isso sozinho e estou sempre cantando minhas próprias músicas, aprendi muita coisa cantando covers. Também sinto como se redefinisse algo dentro de mim por um instante. É muito bom ser capaz de encarar as músicas com um sentimento novo.
FRS - Noto que você tem grande cuidado em definir a ambientação geral dos seus álbuns para criar as impressões desejadas. Você procura reproduzir essa ambientação do álbum no design do palco e na setlist de seus shows?
ABC: Já que o álbum é conceitual, tem sua própria visão do mundo em si mesmo. Mas para as apresentações, ao invés de apenas expressar esse mundo, eu quero fazer um show de rock divertido. Há momentos no palco ou na performance onde você pode experimentar o mundo do álbum mas, acima de tudo, considero o aspecto de ter pessoas experimentando os shows do Acid Black Cherry em si.
FRS - Em seus shows há uma seção em que vocês tocam versões acústicas de músicas do seu repertório e outras tocadas apenas nessa seção. Essas músicas foram compostas especificamente para o acústico? Elas têm um significado especial?
ABC: Originalmente, eram tocadas apenas com violão e voz.
Como uma banda não pode tocar nesse estilo, então pensei que teria que ser feito em um projeto solo. Mas como meu projeto solo tem uma banda, antes que eu me desse conta isso transformou-se de tal forma que todos os integrantes participaram tocando no acústico.
FRS - Recentemente, o Acid Black Cherry deu presentes para os fãs em agradecimento pelo apoio durante os quatro anos de existência. Dentre os presentes, houve um show grátis (posteriormente disponibilizado para download) e uma versão de estúdio da música “君がいるから” (“Porque você está aqui”)*. Como você decidiu quais seriam os presentes?
ABC: A questão dessa vez era meu sentimento de agradecimento por todos os fãs que vem me apoiando, então decidi sobre os presentes pensando no que faria todos felizes. Ao fazer tudo gratuito, eu também queria tornar os presentes algo que muitas pessoas pudessem apreciar.
* Música composta por yasu e tocada no segmento acústico dos shows do ABC, a letra mostra uma mensagem de agradecimento, dessa forma era tocada apenas nos lives, para transmitir a mensagem pessoalmente.
FRS - A banda acaba de concluir a turnê do álbum “2012”, há planos para novos lançamentos? Como um “Recreation 3”?
ABC: Nenhum no momento.
Mas informarei se algo for definido!
FRS - Durante os últimos anos, bandas de rock japonesas alcançaram um crescente sucesso na Europa, EUA e, claro, na América Latina também. Tivemos alguns shows aqui, como o do X Japan, e todas as bandas tiveram grande receptividade. Vimos muitas demonstrações de afeto dos fãs estrangeiros do Acid Black Cherry que estão ansiosos para ver você ampliar suas atividades pelo mundo. Está nos planos do ABC se expandir internacionalmente em breve?
ABC: Eu tenho recebido uma crescente quantidade de cartas e também mensagens na internet vindas de diversos países e, honestamente, estou muito surpreso com isso. Mas como também é meu sonho realizar shows no exterior, acredito que será ótimo se eu puder ir.
★LIVE DVD for Tour 『2012』 final at Budokan
Data de lançamento: 17/10/2012
Preço: 6,300 yen.
★LIVE CD for Tour 『2012』 final at Budokan
Data de lançamento: 17/10/2012
Preço: 1,800 yen.
(2CD's) Contendo o show final, do dia 20/07
Para conhecer mais o som o Acid Black Cherry, você pode acessar os canais oficiais no Youtube:
E seguir a banda nas redes sociais:
Site Oficial: www.acidblackcherry.com
Agradecemos ao Acid Black Cherry e equipe pela entrevista e colaboração.
Interview by: Laura Firmiano and Natália da Trindade
Japanese Interpreter: Elisa Celino
Revision English -> Portuguese: Patricia Raiz
Supervision: Ingrid Natalie Leão
Japanese Interpreter: Elisa Celino
Revision English -> Portuguese: Patricia Raiz
Supervision: Ingrid Natalie Leão
Many of our readers complain that over the last few years no really good rock band has appeared, but maybe to expand the horizons is the answer, literally.
Only five years have passed since the release of its first single, yet Acid Black Cherry has much to offer. If you are looking for some quality rock with amazing guitar solos, a distinctive vocal, and very interesting lyrics, this is our recommendation!
Acid Black Cherry is yasu’s solo project, who signs all the songs and lyrics of ABC, as it is usually called. The production of the songs is impeccable and the artists chosen for the recordings are of extremely high quality, especially the bassist SHUSE (La'cryma Christi), the guitarists HIRO (La'cryma Christi), YUKI (DUSTAR-3), AKIHIDE (BREAKERZ ) and the drummer 淳士 [Junji] (ex.SIAM SHADE).
The refined inclusion of elements from several musical styles (like jazz, for example) generates a sound quite provocative, and that’s a very suitable word when we think about the sexy lyrics in ABC’s songs.
Acid Black Cherry released this year its third album, "2012." The previous releases are the albums "Black List" (2008) and "Q.E.D." (2010). There are also the cover albums "Recreation" (2008) and "Recreation 2" (2011), where former Japanese pop hits get a new guise.
Despite its short time of existence, Acid Black Cherry primes by its variety and daring feeling, noticed in both melodies and lyrics, all of it immersed in great compositions.
Read our interview* with yasu and meet the appealing sound of ABC.
*The English translation was sent by Team ABC.
FRS - yasu has started his solo project, Acid Black Cherry.
You even held secret lives, re-living the experience as a beginner musician. What were your goals and plans when you launched your solo project?
ABC: At a place where no one knows me, with just songs and performances which no one has heard of before, how many of those people sitting down can I get to stand up? I think that’s what the vitality of my indies days was about. Since I felt I shouldn’t forget that sort of attitude when it comes to doing solo, I started my solo activities with lives like that. What I thought when I started Acid Black Cherry, was to do something that I don’t have to overexert myself with. Because I was thinking, what if I can do something like that? “What is something I don’t have to overexert myself to do? I guess it’s eroticism.” was the answer that came to me. For me, since eroticism is something I don’t have to work hard at, I’m using that theme for my activities.
It’s hard to say my goals and plans in a few words, but if there is someone who will feel better listening to Acid Black Cherry’s music, that’d make me happy.
FRS - In some interviews throughout your career, yasu-san said you were counseled by your respected artist, HYDE (from L’Arc~en~Ciel/ VAMPS), about the advantages of using a different name for your solo work, therefore the name Acid Black Cherry was born. Why did you decide on the name “Acid Black Cherry”?
ABC: It’s not like there’s no meaning to the name Acid Black Cherry by itself, but if anything, it was because I wanted the initials to be “A・B・C”. In Japan, you use the letters “A・B・C” as stages to represent the degree of a romantic relationship, which would also correlate to Acid Black Cherry’s theme of “eroticism”.
Moreover, it’s also that the idea of using my own name “yasu” as the name of my solo project didn’t really click with me.
FRS - One of the advantages of a solo project is working on songs with various musicians and that experience has clearly been utilized in ABC’s music. How do you choose the musicians to work with Acid Black Cherry?
ABC: For example, in the same sense as having composed a song and think “I want it to be sung by this singer”, I think about it like, I want this musician to play these riffs I wrote, and get the person to play it.
FRS - In your music, you commonly address matters related to sexuality and write from a woman’s perspective, many times in a dense yet refined way. The song Black Cherry was even elected as the sexiest song by a poll by JOYSOUND KARAOKE. Why did you choose to follow this theme in particular in your lyrics?
ABC: It’s something that was born from Acid Black Cherry’s fundamental concept.
As for writing lyrics from the female perspective, I guess maybe it’s because it doesn’t sound as indecent in the female perspective or using female speech. When you say indecent things from the male perspective, rather than being erotic, it’ll sound like you’re a pervert. It’s totally not cool if it’s “I’m gonna shoot inside!”, right? (laugh)
FRS - ABC has three albums, in each of them there’s a theme: the seven deadly sins in “Black List”, ‘whether humans can judge each other’ in “Q.E.D.” and your most recent work, “2012”, has the theme of “living”. Why do you set a theme for each album? In which moment during the creation process do you conceive this theme?
ABC: Music obviously make up the main fundamental axis, but having bought the CD, I think it’d be great if people can enjoy it while reading the lyrics and the concept story included with the package. As for the concept story, it’s always at the point in time when I finish the album I’m working on that while, that I’ll already somehow vaguely have an idea for the concept of the next story. I was pretty much just steadily materializing those ideas.
FRS - The packaging is an important aspect when creating an album. It’s quite enjoyable reading the story and illustrations included in the booklet of “2012” while listening through the tracks. Please tell us the reason for the package this time as well as any hardships you had during production.
ABC: I think it’s great to have ways to enjoy a CD which you can’t enjoy unless you have a CD in your hands.
Although it’s true that the main objective would be to purely enjoy the sound since it’s a music album after all; but what meaning does those sound hold, and what kind of hidden side does it have which led its creation, is something that’s possible to find out with the packaging.
Nowadays, it’s quite the digital era isn’t it? Although I think that’s very good and all, but personally, I’ve always been having fun in the analog way. By holding the package in my hands, I felt the happiness of having gotten the item. Since it remains in your hands as an object, the sound is a given, but I feel that the creator’s feelings can also get across by something other than sound.
Precisely because it’s the download era now, I don’t want to forget the enjoyment of looking through the jacket after buying the CD. It’s convenient to download, which I think is good; but for people who bought the CD in such an era, I created a concept story so that they’ll be glad they bought it, and so that it’s enjoyable.
FRS - Your singles all have a cover song as the B-side, and you also release them together on cover albums named “Recreation”. Why do you sing covers?
ABC: I think a song is something which continues to live on by being continuously sung by people. Therefore I think it’d be great if I can keep on singing a lot of famous songs from now on as well. Surely there are a lot of songs which a lot of young people nowadays wouldn’t know, but if their mothers and fathers listened to those and think “how nostalgic”, then maybe the family can listen to the songs together. Perhaps the people who didn't know the song before will be able to experience it in a new way.
FRS – About the cover songs, how is it working with songs which are not yours?
ABC: Especially now that I’m doing this by myself and I’m always singing my own songs, I learn a great deal in this situation by singing cover songs. I also feel like it resets something within me for a moment. It’s very good to be able to confront the songs with a fresh feeling.
FRS - I see that you took great care in setting the overall ambiance of your albums to create the desired impression. Do you try to reproduce the album’s ambiance in the set designs and setlists of your concerts?
ABC: Since the album is conceptual, it has its own outlook of the world in itself. But for lives, rather than solely expressing that world, I want to make it a fun rock concert. There are parts in the stage set or in the performance where you can experience the album’s world, but if anything, I consider the aspect of having people experience Acid Black Cherry’s lives itself.
FRS - In your lives there’s an acoustic session when you play acoustic versions of songs from your regular repertory, and some other songs are played only in this session. Were these songs specifically composed for the acoustic? Do they have a special meaning?
ABC: Originally, it was played with just a guitar and vocals.
Since a band can’t play in that style, so I thought it'd have to be done in a solo project.
But because now my solo is done in a band style, before I realized it, it became such that all the members participated in playing acoustic.
FRS - Recently, Acid Black Cherry gave presents to fans as an appreciation for their support during his four years of existence. Among the presents, there were free lives (later on also made available for download) and a studio version of the song “君がいるから” (“Because you are here”) **. How did you decide what would be the presents?
ABC: The point this time were my feelings of appreciation for all the fans who have been supporting me, so I decided on the presents thinking about what would make everyone happy. By making everything free, I also wanted to make the presents something many people would be able to enjoy.
You even held secret lives, re-living the experience as a beginner musician. What were your goals and plans when you launched your solo project?
ABC: At a place where no one knows me, with just songs and performances which no one has heard of before, how many of those people sitting down can I get to stand up? I think that’s what the vitality of my indies days was about. Since I felt I shouldn’t forget that sort of attitude when it comes to doing solo, I started my solo activities with lives like that. What I thought when I started Acid Black Cherry, was to do something that I don’t have to overexert myself with. Because I was thinking, what if I can do something like that? “What is something I don’t have to overexert myself to do? I guess it’s eroticism.” was the answer that came to me. For me, since eroticism is something I don’t have to work hard at, I’m using that theme for my activities.
It’s hard to say my goals and plans in a few words, but if there is someone who will feel better listening to Acid Black Cherry’s music, that’d make me happy.
FRS - In some interviews throughout your career, yasu-san said you were counseled by your respected artist, HYDE (from L’Arc~en~Ciel/ VAMPS), about the advantages of using a different name for your solo work, therefore the name Acid Black Cherry was born. Why did you decide on the name “Acid Black Cherry”?
ABC: It’s not like there’s no meaning to the name Acid Black Cherry by itself, but if anything, it was because I wanted the initials to be “A・B・C”. In Japan, you use the letters “A・B・C” as stages to represent the degree of a romantic relationship, which would also correlate to Acid Black Cherry’s theme of “eroticism”.
Moreover, it’s also that the idea of using my own name “yasu” as the name of my solo project didn’t really click with me.
FRS - One of the advantages of a solo project is working on songs with various musicians and that experience has clearly been utilized in ABC’s music. How do you choose the musicians to work with Acid Black Cherry?
ABC: For example, in the same sense as having composed a song and think “I want it to be sung by this singer”, I think about it like, I want this musician to play these riffs I wrote, and get the person to play it.
FRS - In your music, you commonly address matters related to sexuality and write from a woman’s perspective, many times in a dense yet refined way. The song Black Cherry was even elected as the sexiest song by a poll by JOYSOUND KARAOKE. Why did you choose to follow this theme in particular in your lyrics?
ABC: It’s something that was born from Acid Black Cherry’s fundamental concept.
As for writing lyrics from the female perspective, I guess maybe it’s because it doesn’t sound as indecent in the female perspective or using female speech. When you say indecent things from the male perspective, rather than being erotic, it’ll sound like you’re a pervert. It’s totally not cool if it’s “I’m gonna shoot inside!”, right? (laugh)
FRS - ABC has three albums, in each of them there’s a theme: the seven deadly sins in “Black List”, ‘whether humans can judge each other’ in “Q.E.D.” and your most recent work, “2012”, has the theme of “living”. Why do you set a theme for each album? In which moment during the creation process do you conceive this theme?
ABC: Music obviously make up the main fundamental axis, but having bought the CD, I think it’d be great if people can enjoy it while reading the lyrics and the concept story included with the package. As for the concept story, it’s always at the point in time when I finish the album I’m working on that while, that I’ll already somehow vaguely have an idea for the concept of the next story. I was pretty much just steadily materializing those ideas.
FRS - The packaging is an important aspect when creating an album. It’s quite enjoyable reading the story and illustrations included in the booklet of “2012” while listening through the tracks. Please tell us the reason for the package this time as well as any hardships you had during production.
ABC: I think it’s great to have ways to enjoy a CD which you can’t enjoy unless you have a CD in your hands.
Although it’s true that the main objective would be to purely enjoy the sound since it’s a music album after all; but what meaning does those sound hold, and what kind of hidden side does it have which led its creation, is something that’s possible to find out with the packaging.
Nowadays, it’s quite the digital era isn’t it? Although I think that’s very good and all, but personally, I’ve always been having fun in the analog way. By holding the package in my hands, I felt the happiness of having gotten the item. Since it remains in your hands as an object, the sound is a given, but I feel that the creator’s feelings can also get across by something other than sound.
Precisely because it’s the download era now, I don’t want to forget the enjoyment of looking through the jacket after buying the CD. It’s convenient to download, which I think is good; but for people who bought the CD in such an era, I created a concept story so that they’ll be glad they bought it, and so that it’s enjoyable.
FRS - Your singles all have a cover song as the B-side, and you also release them together on cover albums named “Recreation”. Why do you sing covers?
ABC: I think a song is something which continues to live on by being continuously sung by people. Therefore I think it’d be great if I can keep on singing a lot of famous songs from now on as well. Surely there are a lot of songs which a lot of young people nowadays wouldn’t know, but if their mothers and fathers listened to those and think “how nostalgic”, then maybe the family can listen to the songs together. Perhaps the people who didn't know the song before will be able to experience it in a new way.
FRS – About the cover songs, how is it working with songs which are not yours?
ABC: Especially now that I’m doing this by myself and I’m always singing my own songs, I learn a great deal in this situation by singing cover songs. I also feel like it resets something within me for a moment. It’s very good to be able to confront the songs with a fresh feeling.
FRS - I see that you took great care in setting the overall ambiance of your albums to create the desired impression. Do you try to reproduce the album’s ambiance in the set designs and setlists of your concerts?
ABC: Since the album is conceptual, it has its own outlook of the world in itself. But for lives, rather than solely expressing that world, I want to make it a fun rock concert. There are parts in the stage set or in the performance where you can experience the album’s world, but if anything, I consider the aspect of having people experience Acid Black Cherry’s lives itself.
FRS - In your lives there’s an acoustic session when you play acoustic versions of songs from your regular repertory, and some other songs are played only in this session. Were these songs specifically composed for the acoustic? Do they have a special meaning?
ABC: Originally, it was played with just a guitar and vocals.
Since a band can’t play in that style, so I thought it'd have to be done in a solo project.
But because now my solo is done in a band style, before I realized it, it became such that all the members participated in playing acoustic.
FRS - Recently, Acid Black Cherry gave presents to fans as an appreciation for their support during his four years of existence. Among the presents, there were free lives (later on also made available for download) and a studio version of the song “君がいるから” (“Because you are here”) **. How did you decide what would be the presents?
ABC: The point this time were my feelings of appreciation for all the fans who have been supporting me, so I decided on the presents thinking about what would make everyone happy. By making everything free, I also wanted to make the presents something many people would be able to enjoy.
** Song composed by yasu and played during the acoustic segment in ABC’s concerts. The lyrics send a thank you message, so it was performed only during the lives, to convey the message in person.
FRS - The band just finished the tour for the album “2012”, are there plans for new releases? Like “Recreation 3”, for example? / The band just finished the tour for the album “2012”, what are the plans now? Maybe a Recreation 3?
ABC: None at the moment.
But I'll let you know if something new is fixed!!
FRS – Over the past few years, rock bands from Japan achieved increasing success in Europe, USA and, of course, here in Latin America as well. We’ve had some concerts here, like X Japan, and all of the bands had great receptivity. We’ve seen many demonstrations of affection from foreign fans of Acid Black Cherry, who are anxious to see you spreading your activities worldwide. Is it in ABC’s plans to expand abroad soon?
ABC: I’ve been receiving an increasing amount of letters as well as messages on the internet from various countries, and honestly, I’m quite surprised about that myself. But since it’s also my dream to play lives overseas, I think it’d be great if I can go.
Release Date: Oct 17.2012
Price: 6,300 yen.
It contains the set from the 7/20 final (~170mins/including the MC footage)★LIVE CD for Tour 『2012』 final at Budokan
Release Date: Oct 17.2012
Price: 1,800 yen.
(2CD) It contains the set from the 7/20 final at Budokan
To know more about Acid Black Cherry music, you can access the official channels on YouTube:
And follow the band on social networks:
Official Site: www.acidblackcherry.com
We'd like to thank Acid Black Cherry and his team for the interview and collaboration.
3 comentários
Parabéns pelo post :)
ResponderExcluirAdorei a entrevista, meninas!! Parabéns, super show de bola mesmo <3
ResponderExcluirHaha, muito boa a entrevista, e o Yasu certamente é incrível.
ResponderExcluirTenho uma dúvida: como ela foi feita? Via internet, telefone, face a face? xD